Heading On The Derech….

As a woman who is going along the journey of leaving it all behind to a ‘better life’ or better yet the real ‘Gan Eden’ together with my beautiful children I would like to share with my readers some of my insights I have gotten as we cross the ‘bridge’ and  ’go off the derech’ (or on!) with pride!

Rules broken so far:

1. Not wearing my ‘shietel’.

As I leave the house I get persistent reminders.

Child: Hey Mummy! You’re not dressed yet!

Me: Yes I am!

Child 3: You forgot your shietel

Me: I dont need a shietel I have REAL hair and I look just fine!

So… as I revell at deserting my fake hair I look at myself in the mirror and see ME for the first time in 12 years! Do I feel ‘not dressed’? No, I don’t! I actually feel like a part of my body which I killed a decade ago has revived itself and I embracing it and giving it the daily TLC it deserves.

As for my poor head covering sitting folorn on the shietel head at the bottom of my cupboard, this will be a symbol for my future grandchildren of Bubby’s mesiras nefesh to go and discover her true self. Indeed where has my head been all these years??

EM (London)

Posted in Members Stories.

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