About Events for Members

GesherEU offers a ranges of activities and events. These include:

  • Social get-togethers at homes or public venues
  • Friday night meals
  • ‘Conversations’ with invited guests,
  • Talks
  • Residential weekends.

Some members find the Chaggim a lonely time so when we can, we also arrange for appropriate events as an alternative to the traditional ‘festivities’ or family gatherings.

We take both the physical and emotional well-being of our members very seriously. Consequently we endeavour to ensure that we provide a “safe-space” for those attending. Members will be at different places on their journey and we always want new members to feel welcome and supported from day one.

As part of creating this safe-space, we ask all members to commit to a Membership Agreement. This applies only to GesherEU activities and of course members private lives are their own affairs. The agreement can be read or downloaded here: GesherEU Membership Agreement.


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